Repeat Offender Sentenced to 60 years in Prison for Assault Against a Family Member by Choking

On Tuesday March 4, 2025, a Burnet County jury found Keith Aaron Blundell, originally from the Houston area, guilty of the felony offense of assaulting his girlfriend by choking her. Following the recommendation of the jury, Judge Allan Garrett of the 33rd District Court, sentenced Blundell to 60 years in prison and imposed a fine of $10,000. The case was prosecuted by Bill Price and Michael Walker for the office of District Attorney, Perry Thomas.

The evidence presented to the jury showed that on June 16, 2024 deputies with Burnet County Sheriff’s Office were called to an address off of County Road 304, to check on the welfare of a female. The victim showed clear physical signs of having been assaulted, sustaining injuries to her face, head and eyes. Injuries to her neck were consistent with having been strangled. The victim told deputies that Blundell, whom she was dating, had assaulted her and choked her until she passed out. While in Burnet County Jail awaiting trial, Blundell called the victim and urged her not to come to court to testify against him. Prosecutors discovered the phone calls and played them for the jury when the victim did not appear for trial. The phone calls, along with the victim’s previous statements to deputies at the scene of the crime, were sufficient for the jury to find Blundell guilty.

At the punishment phase of trial, prosecutors presented evidence showing that Blundell had previously been convicted of two prior felony offenses, including a previous conviction for aggravated assault against a family member from Harris County, Texas. The two prior convictions meant that Blundell faced a minimum of 25 years and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

In closing argument, Assistant District Attorney Bill Price asked the jury to do its part to help protect victims of family and dating violence in Burnet County. Price stated after trial, “This verdict shows that our citizens will protect victims of violent crime with lengthy prison sentences for their abusers.”

District Attorney Perry Thomas stated that he was “grateful to this Burnet County jury for a sentence that will keep this abuser from hurting anyone else for a long time. This case demonstrates this office’s commitment to doing everything we can to protect those that have been victims of violent crime.” Thomas also praised the hard work performed by the Burnet County Sheriff’s Department for their dedication to investigating the case and excellent work in testifying during the trial.